I use my hand hooked rugs as rugs. It is remarkable how well they hold up. Wool is one of the very best fibers for rugs. It does not accumulate dirt and because I hook on rug warp, my rugs can take what my animals dish out. Watch the movie below to see what I mean.
Luckily, Jack has never damaged shoes. He prefers the shoe laces, but leaves the shoes alone. When he gets excited, nothing works like a tennis shoe. I think he is enjoying the rug shifting on the floor. When the rug is finished, it will have a rubber mat below it to hold it in place. This is mainly for safety, but I will need it to keep the rug from being plowed into the wall.
This was taken when I had the rug downstairs to mark the holidays (gaps in the hooking). I am finally done with that, but I still need to get the gaps hooked. The last few weeks were lost in holiday (Christmas and New Year) activities and my husband being home. For the last several days I have been getting my project for Teachers' Workshop finished. My report is due soon even though the class isn't until March. Here's what Jackson thinks about it:
Hi Cindi, what's the difference in rug warp and say primitive linen. That's what I usually hook on but it's so darned expensive. I use an 8, 8.5 and 9 cut. I am also experimenting with monks cloth. It's not too bad and Alot cheaper than linen. And where do you get to rug warp? Dorr?
Thanks for the help.
p.s. I got a new Yorkie puppy that was 8 weeks old Nov 15th so all my rugs are up and off the floor for now until I am sure he is 100% potty trained!!
No matter how many times I try, I just can't get your video of Jack to go much past the first few seconds. Oh, well, having had pretty big goofy puppies around for years, I can imagine what a fun time he is giving you.
What I have seen of your rug as you have hooked so far is gorgeous. Luckily I can never do one that big. I can no longer pick it up to work on it and the little hamster-legged dogs I own now aren't much help.
You still are one of the best on-line instructors I have ever studied under.
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